Thursday, January 22, 2009

Group Definition of IT

Instructional Technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by developing instructional materials and activities created by using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Publications in IDT: IT Journal Review

After perusing Instructional Journals Technology & Magazine website, I discovered that the “hot” topics mostly relate to anything new in the field. Educational Technology Magazine, and The International Journal of Instructional Media fit this description. Web 2.0 – a.k.a “Berners-Lee’s concept of a Read/Write Web is a collaborative medium, a place where we could all meet and read and write. This is a technology that most students are using as a social communication tool, but can be transformed into a powerful teaching tool in the classroom. A blog “is an easily created, easily updateable website that allows an author to publish instantly to the internet from any internet connection.” As used in this class, a blog can be used to communicate with parents and students about upcoming events, homework, or any general questions. A wiki “is a website where anyone can edit anything anytime they want” and students can use this tool to work cooperatively with others. A webquest “is a computer-based teaching and learning model in which learners are actively involved in an activity or situation and use the Internet as a resource.” Teachers can use this tool to post research assignments and provide students with the web sources necessary to complete the task successfully. Equally important is current research on existing and up-and-coming programs in addition to effective strategies for educators, school leadership or where appropriate. If we were to have a conference, we would have to research the latest trends and development in instructional materials, including how to apply those mentioned above, and excellent speakers who can demonstrate practical application in the classroom or world of business.

Instructional Technology Defintion

Instructional Technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by developing instructional materials and activities, creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Chapter 26: Question #2. Comparison of two websites: ISTE and ITEA

I compared ISTE and ITEA and found that the difference between their respective mission statements is the former supports all educators that infuse technology into the curricula and the latter supports all who teach technology. “ISTE provides leadership and service to improve teaching, learning, and school leadership by advancing the effective use of technology in PK–12 and teacher education.” The website of ISTE was easier to research. They offer a variety of books, 3 periodicals, and various workshops. The annual National Educational Computing Conference (NECC) is their premier professional development forum where members “will learn, exchange, and survey the field of education technology.” They also offer a webinar series and frequent National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) workshops for teachers. ITEA appears to be highly involved in public policy and offers detailed information for each cause.
[ITEA’s] mission is to promote technological literacy for all by supporting the teaching of technology and promoting the professionalism of those engaged in this pursuit.” While the association proposes they offer many professional development opportunities, we could not find a definition or mission for their annual conference. There is a subdivision of ITEA called The Center to Advance the Teaching of Technology & Science. The goal of which is “to strengthen professional development and advance technological literacy. Center initiatives are directed toward four goals: development of standards-based curricula; teacher enhancement; research concerning teaching and learning; and curriculum implementation and diffusion,” but upcoming workshops, conferences, or webinars were not listed. ITEA offers many community links from which to become involved, but they seem to have a more neutral stance on education policy.
ISTE costs an astounding $209 for the premier level, which includes three subscriptions, and great discounts off publications and conferences. The standard rate is $89, which includes one subscription and lesser discounts. ITEA offers a first-time rate of $70 and all publications are extra. Both are helpful website, but as teachers, ISTE, especially with the connection to NETS, is user friendly to all educators.